11 JULY 2023

The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (hereinafter referred to as ‘the CRL Rights Commission’) is a constitutional institution established to strengthen constitutional democracy with specific reference to the rights of culture, religion, and language. This mandate is provided under sections 185(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.

It is further given meaning to and shape by the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities Act 19 of 2002. The CRL Act 19 of 2002 states that the Commission may conduct an investigation in terms of section 5 (l)(e). This Act further states that the Commission can itself conduct the investigation or it may designate one or more Commission members or other persons as a investigating committee to conduct the investigation on its behalf.

For that reason, the CRL Rights Commission undertook investigative hearings in respect of Kwasizabantu Christian Mission after it received some complaints about the Church. In the process of the investigation, the Commission received testimonies from several witnesses and also received representation from the leadership of the Church. The report with findings and recommendations will be presented to members of the media:

Date: 13 July 2023
Time: 11h00
Venue: 33 Hoofd Street, Braampark, Forum IV, Braamfontein.

Please do confirm your attendance.

Issued by the CRL Rights Commission

For inquiries contact:

Mpiyakhe Mkholo – mpiyakhem@www.crlcommission.org.za
Beverley Mukhavhuli on 066 282 6067 or beverley@www.crlcommission.org.za

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