13 JULY 2023
Members of the Media are invited to a presentation of a report by the CRL Rights Commission in respect of the injuries and other challenges that impacted the lives of young men at an initiation school in Pharaborwa.
During the month of June 2022, when the initiation season was about to start, a complaint was laid with the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic Communities. It was reported that some initiates in the Mopani District had been taken to Maphutha Malatjie Hospital due to complications from an initiation-related circumcision. Upon further investigation, it was found that about 292 initiates had been admitted to hospitals in Limpopo due to the complications of circumcision surgery. As a result, the devastated parents of the initiates requested the intervention of the Commission on this matter.
Subsequently, on the 07 September 2022, an urgent meeting with the parents, the Provincial department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA) and House of Traditional Leaders was convened by the Commission to get all the necessary information and facts about the plight of these young men and their parents.
The Commission as a chapter nine institution established in terms of section 185 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, (Act 108 of 1996) and empowered by the CRL Rights Act 19 of 2002 will be having a report back session that will outline possible remedial steps to deal with these challenges. This session will be attended by parents of the young men, government departments such as COGTA, SAPS, HEALTH, Provincial House of Traditional Leaders, Municipality, and other stakeholders.
Date: 14 July 2023
Venue: Namakgale Community Hall
Time: 09:00 -14:00
Issued by the CRL Rights Commission
For inquiries contact:
Beverley Mukhavhuli
066 282 6067